Friday, September 13, 2013

"Why Vladimir Putin Thinks We're Out to Get Him"

The look of someone who is getting tired of our shit. 
On Friday, September 13th, TIME published an article "Why Vladimir Putin Thinks We're Out to Get Him". It delves into why exactly Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, may be worried that the United States is on a conquest of a different kind, and that Russia is in our sights. It is the Russian President's belief, a belief held by many others, including a good chunk of the United States citizenry, that the United States has a bad habit of "meddling in the affairs of other countries and trying to change their governments" -Putin. He also believes that this "War On Terror" is actually a facade, a front for the grander plan of regime change. It is a pattern than can apparently be traced back over the last 20 years.

That alone would be enough evidence to put one on edge, but it is compounded by the fact that Vladimir Putin has stated, several times that the United States has been trying to undermine and influence Russia's internal political process. So, when presented with a country whose agenda seems to be regime and political reform across Eurasia, who has already started planting the seeds of reform in your own nation, and whose political leaders tweet such things as "Dear Vlad, the #ArabSpring has arrived at a neighborhood near you," -McCain, how exactly would you react? This article is really worth the read, mainly because it indeed paints the United States in a light not typically used, as the mastermind behind a slow-but-steady take-over, ever so slightly flexing our military muscle to accomplish whatever we want. Freedom, or exactly the same fear mongering that the War on Terrorism allegedly fights?

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